Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Music City Marathon - Nashville, TN

So, I am currently on running probation, according to my physical therapist. So when Casey decided to train for his 1st Marathon, I thought it was gonna be a bummer "sitting on the sidelines." However, with the cold, snowy winter that we had, he had to run at the gym a lot. So me and the Eliptical got really close, while he and the treadmill were BFF. I mean there is nothing worse than running 14 miles in the basement of the YMCA on a treadmill.

However, all of the training paid off!! The last weekend in April we flew out to Nashville for Casey's big race. He ended up being in the 2nd corral, which is at the front of the race. His target time was 3:30. I wasn't sure that he should be that close to the front, but he wanted to push himself. So, saturday morning (5 AM), Casey, Dad and I went downtown Nashville for the start of the race. It was raining... a lot. Right before the race began, the rain subsided and Casey started his first marathon. Dad and I were at mile 3, 7, 12. We were driving all over town trying to catch Casey. He's fast!!! Then Mom, Emily, Matthew, Kristen and my 2 nieces Blythe and Madeline met Casey at mile 21 and 25. We had all kinds of fun signs for him and were screaming like crazy. This was the hardest part of the race, the Wall! He came through mile 25 at 3:16. Ahead of Schedule!!!

So my Aunt Tracy, a fellow marathoner, was tracking Casey online. So, at 3:30, she went to check and see where he was. He had already crossed the finish line!!! He finished his 1st Marathon in 3 hours and 23 minutes. I was so proud of him!!! So, now he's offically a RUNNER. He is now training for the Pikes Peak Ascent, a half marathon race up the side of Pikes Peak. He's a CRAZY person! But, he's only 12 minutes away from qualifying for the Boston Marathon. So, I think he is going to do a "fast" marathon in a flat place so he can qualify. I just wanted to brag on him a bit and say how amazing I think he is.

I'm including some pictures from the race and what a good excuse to show off my cute little nieces too!

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