I was beginning to lose faith that Colorado was ever going to warm up. And with my tanorexia problem, that was not such a good thing. But as the Lord began to turn winter into spring, well it was more like turning winter to summer, since we don't really have a spring, He began to reveal so much of who He is. The old is becoming new!
As most of you know, I've been team leading Young Life out here at the school I was on staff at. So many times I have been like, "why am i still a young life leader?" And lately the Lord has been showing me
WHY in
InCrEdIbLe ways. As prom and graduation have quickly approach, I have begun to see how
BIG our God is. I have seen a girl who's been arrested for shoplifting begin an amazing journey with her Savior. I've seen another of my high school friends fight drugs and an alcoholic step father and begin to overcome the anger that is so deeply inbedded in who she is. I've seen another girl, who I walked with as she began her journey with the Lord, get to pray with her best friend as she accepted the Lord as her Father. Both girls are going to be Wyld Life leaders next year.
How great is our God and his
Providence that he would use little me and get involved in the lives of so many of His children and say, "
you are mine. I have bought you at a price." I love to get to sit back and watch our God's hand at work. He is the one that crosses us from death to LIFE. He is the
creator of our amazing world and the
lover of our souls. Look around and see how incredible He really is.
So, just when we think its hard, we should give up, our God says,:
"Take HEART, for I have OVERCOME the WORLD"